Info & Forms
Planning & Development Resource Library
As per section 638.2(1) in the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, Chapter M-36, all municipalities must compile and keep updated a list of any policies that may be considered in making decisions under Part 17 – Planning and Development. The Municipality must also publish these policies on the municipal website.
It is the responsibility of Council to focus on the future of the community as a whole while balancing the current rights, needs and concerns of property owners and residents. The purpose of planning is to achieve the orderly, economical and beneficial development, use of land and settlement without infringing on the rights of individuals, except as necessary for the community.
Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework
An intermunicipal collaboration framework among two or more municipalities to provide for the integrated and strategic planning, delivery and funding of intermunicipal services, to steward scarce resources efficiently in providing local services, and to ensure municipalities contribute to funding to services that benefit their residents.
Intermunicipal Development Plan
Two or more municipalities must adopt an inter-municipal plan (IDP) to address issues of mutual concern with respect to designated lands. The plan must provide for the future use of land, the manner of and proposals for future development, the provision of transportation systems and environmental matters, the co-ordination of intermunicipal programs, or other matters relating to the area.
Municipal Development Plan
The Village of Linden Municipal Development Plan has been prepared as a framework to fulfill community goals, enhance community strengths, and address the challenges and issues relating to the future use and development of land in the Village of Linden. The plan informs the general public, private developers and landowners of the overall strategy for development in the community.
Area Structure and Redevelopment Plans (ASP)
An Area Structure Plan provides a framework for subdivision and development for a particular area. It will generally describe the sequences of development, proposed land use, population density, and the location of major transportation route and public utilities.
Land Use Bylaw
The Land Use Bylaw of the Village of Linden, as amended, divides the town into land use districts, provides regulations for each district, prescribing permitted and discretionary uses for land and outlines procedures for development of any parcel within the corporate limits of the Village of Linden. This Bylaw provides a specific means of implementing the policies that are expressed generally in the Municipal Development Plan.
Less than $10,000 value $30.00
$10,001 to $50,000 value $50.00
$50,001 plus value $100.00
Application received after development is over 50% complete $250.00
Permits provided by Palliser Regional Municipal Servies (PRMS) include building permits, electrical permits, gas permits and plumbing permits. Cost is set out by Palliser Regional Municipal Planning Services and is subject to change.
- Must provide a site plan, with proper setbacks according to Land Use By-law 2023-10.
- All information must be completed on application in order for it to be considered for approval.
- New construction may have other applicable fees attached such as: Water Meter cost + 10%
- If a decision is not made on a development permit within 40 days, the applicant may deem it to be refused.
- No construction may be started without written approval or a stop work order may be issued.
- Development permit does not come into effect until 21 days after the decision is communicated.
- Any development proceeded with by the applicant prior to the expiry of this period is done at the risk of the applicant.
3. If a development is not started within 12 months from the date of issue, the permit is deemed to be void, unless the Development Officer/Municipal Planning Commission has granted an extension.
4. Appeals may be received up to 21 days after a decision has been received by the applicant.
5. Development Permits are contingent on Building Permit approvals from Palliser Regional Municipal Services for which forms may be filled out, and sent along with permit fees (and 2 sets of blueprints).
Planning and Development
Application for Development Permit, Building Permit and/or Business License
Before you may develop or build on a parcel of land in the Village of Linden, you are required (with certain exceptions as listed in the Land Use Bylaw) to obtain a development permit, building permit, and if a business or home occupation, a business license is required.
Application for Home Occupation Permit
If you are planning to develop a home occupation, you will need to submit a different application form.
Application for Secondary Suite (Basement or Garage)
If you are planning to rent out your basement or garage as a secondary suite, please fill out the appropriate application below and submit it to our Planning and Development Officer at the Village office
- Secondary Suites Safety Tips
- Secondary Suites Fact Sheet Municipal Affairs
- Residential Development Application
Application for Subdivision
The Council of the Village of Linden delegated the Subdivision Approval Authority within the corporate limits of the Village to Palliser Regional Planning Services. In order to subdivide a parcel of land and register a legal plan, you will be required to submit an Application for Subdivision to the Village and to Palliser Reginal Planning Services. The Authority ensures that the land to be subdivided is appropriate for its proposed use. As this is fairly complex process, please contact the Development Officer. Subdivision decisions can be appealed to the SDAB. While a subdivision is approved by the subdivision authority, any changes to zoning that accompany the subdivision must be brought to council for approval by Bylaw.
Subdivision or Development Agreements
Prior to subdivision or development having full approval, your municipality may require a developer to enter into a subdivision or development agreement as a condition of approval. These agreements may address construction or payment of a road, walkway, public utility, parking/loading and unloading facilities, off-site levies and security to ensure that the terms of the agreement are carried out.
Subdivision and Development Appeal Board
The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board is an intermunicipal board that acts as a quasi-judicial body to deal with subdivision, development and stop order appeals. The SDAB must hold a public hearing to deal with an appeal
Technical and Design Specifications
Procedures, standards and specifications to engineering disigns and construction standards.
Linden General Design Standards & Construction Specifications 2024
National Building Code – 2019 Alberta Edition
National Energy Code of Canada
Request for Compliance Certificate
Upon sale of a property, a lawyer, realtor or lending institution may require that you obtain a Compliance Certificate from the Village. A Compliance Certificate is a document provided by the Village stating whether or not the development on that parcel of land complies with the uses and regulations described in the Land Use Bylaw.
To request a Compliance Certificate, forward to the Village of Linden a Real Property Report (RPR) prepared by an Alberta Legal Surveyor that is less than six months old or with an Affidavit attached stating there have been no changes to the property. Digital RPR files are encouraged; there is a charge for a Compliance Certificate. Please note that the Village of Linden does not require a Compliance Certificate; the lending agency, lawyer or realtor are the parties requiring this document.
For information on any of the above, please contact:
Lynda vanderWoerd, Development Officer
T: 403-546-3888 E: or F: 403-546-2112