Info & Forms
Pet Licensing

Part 6 – Licensing of Animals
Requirement of License
6.1 Every resident of the Village of Linden who is the owner of a dog, vicious dog, cat, or Urban Hen shall annually purchase a license from the Village for each animal as per “Schedule A – Animal License Fees”.
a) on or before the first business day in February;
b) within thirty (30) days following the animal having attained three (3) months of age;
c) within thirty (30) days after acquiring possession of the animal; or
d) within thirty (30) days after establishing residence in the Village; whichever date is the latter.
License renewal dates are February 1st of each year.
Fees: Dog Unaltered: $40.00 Altered: $20.00.
Cat Unaltered: $25.00 Altered: $10.00.
Forms are located at the office or online – view pdf.
Options for payment are: cheque, cash, debit, Mastercard or VISA. Please contact the Village Office if you need to pay via online banking.
Thank you for your cooperation!